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The following songs for SATB  are available in MUSIC FOR HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS published by Allyn and Bacon Inc (1967):

1 ) Cindy, a folk song arr for SATB

2) He Is Born On Christmas Day for SATB

3) Somebody’s Tall and Handsome,  folk song arr. for SATB

The following were published in THIS IS MUSIC  by Allyn and Bacon Inc (1963)

1) Never a Child as He, a two-voice canon (Original version)  (Vol 6)

2) From Proverbs, a two-voice canon with piano (Vol 8)

3) Holy Art Thou, a fugue for three voices (Vol 8)

4) Signs of Weather, a canon for two voices with piano, based on an American Folk Poem  (Vol 8)

Bird and I, a Canon for two voices written for Tina Lewis, teacher at the Murphy School, Hazlett, Michigan, especially for the celebration of The Michigan Sesquicentennial and based on a Chippewa children’s poem. Published in MICHIGAN SONG BAG, compiled by Phyllis Nelson,  PRN Press, East Lansing, MI  1986

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